Adult / Teen Outfits #04(TF / AF)
Vintage style. It should be perfect for a witch to wear.
I recommend pairing it with the previous necklace set.
In the original version, there wasn't lace on the skirt hem; I added it on a whim.
- Witch Dress (AF)
- Carnival Scene Shoes V1 with ribbon (TF / AF)
- Carnival Scene Shoes V2 simple style (TF / AF)
Credit ( some contents are for personal use )
- Hair:My mashup
- Choker:Pralinesims
- Dress:Nell
- Shoes:Usamarusims / Shining Nikki
2024/01/11 檔案更新 Update
I noticed that some of my CC had issues related to the arms. It might not be apparent in live mode, but it's easily noticeable in CAS, where both arms are pulled towards the body, causing some unnatural movements in sims.
After spending some time, I've finally found a solution. Fortunately, there won't be the same issue occurring again in the future. 😳
Please redownload the files.
我最近突然注意到有一些 CC 出現了跟手臂相關的問題,自從學會轉換之後其實我很少玩遊戲內容了,所以一直沒有察覺(理由伯)。
這在生活模式中不太明顯,但在 CAS 裡可以很容易發現兩條手臂都被拉向身體,也導致市民的一些動作變得很不自然。😳
2024/03/16 檔案更新 Update
Added conversions for teens. 增加青少年的轉換版本。
Download link
Will NOT show in medium and low detail
PackagesDownload |
Witch Dress AF5.57 MB |
With ribbon TF / AF698 KB |
Simple style TF / AF584 KB |